Ken Robinson says that schools are preventing kids from sharing their creative side. To a certain extent, I agree with him. Schools place different values on the subject areas and we constantly see the arts on the chopping blocks for school budgets. The arts provide many opportunities for kids to be creative in music, drama and art and schools are taking those opportunities away. Kids need those opportunities to explore and think beyond what they know. However, I think the main reason that the other subject areas like history, science, math and language classes do not always pose the opportunities for creativity is because of the new requirements put in place through standardized tests. Teachers are expected to get through a lot of material in a short amount of time and in many cases, that does not always leave a lot of room to for creativity with projects, using technology, etc. This is not an excuse. Teachers could incorporate some creativity into their classroom, but sometimes, it gets pushed aside by all of the other rules teachers now face. So is it the schools killing creativity or is it the standardized tests from the government?
Check out Ken Robinson's video here.
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